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The Data Community

There are now over 300 data companies based in Scotland, a figure growing at over 12% per year, and an even larger base of professionals working in industry and academia.

ScotlandIS Data will work with the community to develop communications and relevant events to ensure that data focused businesses in Scotland have:

  • Access to public and private sector organisations requiring products and specialist services
  • Opportunities to interact and work with each other
  • Interaction with industry and academia
  • An understanding of what is available through innovation centres, accelerator programmes and grants
  • Links to the broader UK ecosystem

ScotlandIS will act as the primary interface into the wide range of other UK and Scottish based organisations active in the data space.  This will ensure the needs and capabilities of the community are properly articulated and represented. The cluster will be member led with an active steering group driving the strategy, plans and events programme

Data News

Data Events


12mar1:00 pm3:00 pmFeaturedITMS Community Event Aberdeen: Improving Scotland's cyber resilience

20mar12:00 pm3:00 pmIFB Lunch & Learn: Future ready with Cyber Security Operations Centre (CSOC)

21mar10:00 am1:00 pmIFB Lunch & Learn: Future ready with Cyber Security Operations Centre (CSOC)

27marAll DayScot-Secure 2024

28mar2:00 pm5:00 pmFeaturedITMS Community Event Edinburgh: Improving Scotland's cyber resilience

28mar6:30 pm10:00 pmCyber After Dark: Tackling Continuous Threat Exposure

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